WOW! I just did a google search for our site using the 5 main keywords and guess what?!?!?!? / Traditions From The Heart could be found anywhere from page 1 to page 3!!!! That means, out of over 1,000,000 people who do stuff similar to me, if you search for birth announcements, photo birth announcements and so forth, you will find us anwhere from #1 to #30! Like I said, NOT TOO SHABBY! Can you believe that?!? I can't either. We have been at this for 3 years now, and it is so fulfilling! I love what I do and hope I bring joy to all of those I work and design with and for! I just cannot tell you how thrilling this is! SEO, Search Engine Optimization is one strange thing! I have now spent 18 months trying to learn it. I do not think anyone really knows anything about it except for the google excecutives themselves. But this little peon who, started out only knowing how to purchase something online has developed quite a thing here! And has loved doing it! :) Thank you all for sharing that journey with me! Who knows what the next 3 years will hold. I cannot wait to see!
I am thinking about starting something new on the site! Tell me what you think! I am thinking about offering designs that you can buy and pop your own photo in the template and type your own message using your own photo editing software at a much lower price. It will just include the downloaded template, but you can then have your photos printed wherever you want, and buy or make your own envelopes. What do you think? Is this something you think you might be interested in? Give me feedback below. It might be something kind of neat! This will be PERFECT for those occasions that you just want 1 - 5 cards for a small party, or event. I will have the first one up next week for Mother's Day. These will be perfect for Grandma's or even for yourself. I am thinking they will sell for $5 but you can reuse them anytime and as often as you like! So, go ahead, tell me what you think! :)
Also, don't forget, free stationery to every 25th person to follow the blog!! AND the 15th order every week from the site is FREE! No matter what size your order or what product you order, FREE! So keep those orders coming! :)
Hope your day is great!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today is now laundry day! Have you ever been in a house where 5 people live and the laundry has not been officially done in a week? WELL, try 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I think I am down to about 4 loads left, not counting the ones in the washer and dryer, they are considered done since they are no longer on the floor! LOL I am cracking myself up today! Miss Suzy is coming today, she will help immensely. She is the only reason I have not disappeared in the midst of the last month into a deep, dark, black hole! But she is sick with allergies now, so we will have to cut her some slack. :) Even with her at 50% she accomplishes more than I can in a full day! She is my home's, lifesaver! :)
Anyway, don't forget to follow and don't forget the specials this week. I think they end on Friday!
Have a great day!
Ariel Cake,
home life,
Pooh Bear Cake,
twin birthdays
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