How can it be?!?!?! If the rest of this year passes as quickly as this month appears to be passing, then I may remain behind all year! :)
We have had some CRAZY weather in Texas this season! Down into the teens last week with temps not even getting into the 3o's! We are not use to this, nor do we have the clothes to handle such weather events. Pipes in homes and businesses bursting everywhere! We personally had 2 different cracks but were able to easily overcome, while others had some major busts causing much damage.
Yesterday we were in the 60's and overcast all day long, but about 6 o'clock the raging storm began. Torrential rain, mighty lightning and TORNADO'S, OH MY!!!!! Warning sirens going off throughout the city, all the while scaring kiddos more and more. It amazes me though how much we want life to go on as normal as the storm rages on. "Please, I just want to get home, get the kids to bed, watch some tv and be mindless for a while." I think we approach life this way too. Troubles begin brewing and the storm is inevitable. BUT, can't we just go about our day-to-day business and act as though it is not happening? Can we not just keep doing what we are doing and not be phased by the looming storm clouds above? The detours in life are what make us stronger, but boy can they be time consuming! And, for that matter heart-wrenching. I have heard all my life, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! That is all well and good, but what do you do when it gives you brussel sprouts?!?!?!? I mean you cannot even make a good dip with those nasty things! I know, some people "say" they like them, but seriously if the smell alone does not get you while they are cooking I do not know what will. :) It is at these times in life that total and complete reliance on God is a must! I cannot imagine trying to handle these times on my own!
BACK to the crazy Texas weather...TODAY it is BEAUTIFUL!!! Sunny and a high of 70 this afternoon! We have the windows open and are listening to the birds sing outside! You have to love the calm after the storm!!! This is when you go out and evaluate the damage. We just have small limbs and leaves down, so the clean up must begin in order for the mower to ever have a chance to go over the yard. Others may have entire trees down or even just larger limbs. One could just leave it all out there, serving as a constant reminder of the storm that blew through, while others want to destroy any evidence that a storm EVER came through. No matter what the approach, everyone's spirit's are raised, and there is a spring in each person's step, today! What causes this? The fact that we survived the storm? Or just the fact that the storm makes one appreciate the beauty of a beautiful day? Whatever it is, let's enjoy it while it is here. Once again though, I see life is this way. We come through the storm, glorifying and praising God for getting us through. We settle into the beauty and comfort of peace and almost forget the storm. But there is always some cleaning up to do! Some choose to deal with it, while others want to act as if it never happened. Then there are others who want to keep that huge limb in the middle of the yard to serve as a constant reminder of what they survived. I think, it is good to remember where we have been, but to constantly harp on it? I don't know. There is a thin line there. I mean, leaving that huge limb in the yard serves as an obstacle for the mower, it also takes up space where another tree could be planted or kids could be playing. Additionally, it could turn into a hazard! Someone running through the yard might not miss it and it could cause them to fall and get hurt! Isn't it interesting? How these shrouds that we leave, can affect others too?!?!? I am learning this week that the legacy we build, not only affects ourselves, our children and our grandchildren, all of which we may get to meet. BUT it carries over for generations to come!!! Do I want to remembered by the fallen over tree in my yard? Or do I want to be remembered as that Woman who grew stronger all the while more dependent on Christ, as a result of the passing storms? Cleaning up the smaller limbs as they fall and pruning back the dead ones so as not to harm the other growing parts? Personally, I want that legacy to be a mighty OAK TREE, with roots spreading out as far as the eye can see and as deep as they are wide. A foundation that cannot be swayed by passing storms but only gets stronger with each and every one. One that stands the ages!!! One that my great, great, great grandchildren are proud to climb in and excited to share with their children! What will your legacy be? How do you approach the storms in your life? How do you live on the other side of each storm?
On a lighter NOTE! Traditions From The Heart is launching many new things this year! The first of which is an official email campaign! You can sign up to receive our emails in the box to the right. We will do our best to include ALL pertinent information on the BLOG, but the coupons will be in the emails!!! There is a 15% discount in the one that went out today! :) :) :) So be sure to sign up for those!
There are some great examples of Photo Valentine Cards on the site now, and Some AWESOME Birthday Invitation examples too! I say examples because as you already know, EVERYTHING IS CUSTOM HERE!!!! Give us your theme, and colors and we will get to work designing your perfect, invitation, announcement, stationery and such.
Have a Wonderful Thursday and remember, BIG OLD OAK TREES!!!! :)