Well, quite honestly this is my favorite time of year! I LOVE Spring, flowers are blooming, trees are budding, the dogwoods make it look like it has snowed the perfect dusting of snow all the while, it is so warm that you feel kissed by the sun with every step you take and the grass is finally turning green again! (Yes, in Texas, it just dies and turns brown.) All you want to do is be outside and enjoy this wonderful world that God created. Anyway, all of that said, the HATE side is, ALLERGIES!!!! They make it such that you cannot be outside! My poor son had an asthma attack yesterday, that was allergy induced. I have lost my voice (To my dear husband's dismay! LOL) and I sound like a seal barking out orders that nobody can really understand! The hacking cough that resounds throughout the house sounds like a chorus of snickering people talking about you behind your back. All the while all of the beauty that is taking place outside is watched from behind closed windows and doors so as not to allow any of that dreaded pollen, mold and whatever else is brewing out there, indoors! You have to run the AC just to clean the air indoors so that everyone can get back to normal some how, some day.
Another thing I ADORE about spring is, it is my twins birthday! I still do not know where the last 4 years have gone! That 8 month long pregnancy lasted much longer than these last 4 years! This year, their birthday falls on EASTER!!! How does that happen and how do you honestly celebrate with a Princess cake and a Mater cake on such a blessed and glorious day?!?!?!? :) The Mater is still up for debate though, it could very well be Spider Man, Super Man or even an Airplane for that matter. We will know for sure 2 days before the big day, when mommy sits down with him and says, seriously, what kind of birthday do you want, and whatever is named that day will be what it will be. :) Hmm, what am I going to do if he says something so impossible that there is no way to pull it off? Even for such an imaginative mommy such as I! It is though, so very special that their birthday is when it is, because you never know in the grand scheme of things when it will be in comparison to Easter. It is a surprise every year! :) We did the classic Easter egg hunt 2 years ago. 800 Easter Eggs, taking 2 weeks to fill! AND IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention that we live in TEXAS?!?!?!? It never snows here! But it did that year. So we opted for the indoor Easter Egg Hunt. 45 seconds later the kids were wondering what to do next! It was so funny! And the mommy was so ill prepared for this day! Really, quite humorous!
Kinda makes you think though, is it better to be prepared for all circumstances, or to take life in stride and let it hit you as it comes. Ebb and Flow, so to speak. What is your take on this? Personally, I like to be fully prepared for whatever comes my way and if I am not, I run as fast as I possibly can. Ask any of my friends, my pantry is nearly always stocked for 3 months out! If you ever need ANYTHING, come shop my pantry, freezer or fridge for that matter! My mother on the other hand can actually go to the store 4 times while preparing one meal. DRIVES ME CRAZY! But my kids can have more fun with her than anyone else in the world! When she visits, you would literally think a hurricane blew through my home. (It normally looks as though a tornado did, but hurricane force winds are much broader than tornado. Are you getting the picture?) But every move she takes, is all about the kids and what ever is left in the wake of the winds is left behind as quickly as she blew through! They know that they have her wrapped around her little finger. They know that when she comes there is nothing more important in her world at that moment than them!!!! So, if it is confrontational on nearly any level I will run! Yes, there are some things I will take head on, but often those are the things that I know prior to, that I can and will conquer. Other times, I like to hide and act as though they do not exist. Whether it is an imagined situation, or actual confrontation it really does not matter.
So, think about it. Are you a planner or an ebb and flow kind of person? I think I am a little of both. Some things are so planned out that I am prepared for anything, but that does help one to be a little more ebb and flow because you can change gears at anytime.
Thanks for lending an ear! I am finally enjoying the blog thing. :)
Hope your day is great.
T-T-F-N, Ta-Ta-For-Now,
Monica :)