Today is now laundry day! Have you ever been in a house where 5 people live and the laundry has not been officially done in a week? WELL, try 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I think I am down to about 4 loads left, not counting the ones in the washer and dryer, they are considered done since they are no longer on the floor! LOL I am cracking myself up today! Miss Suzy is coming today, she will help immensely. She is the only reason I have not disappeared in the midst of the last month into a deep, dark, black hole! But she is sick with allergies now, so we will have to cut her some slack. :) Even with her at 50% she accomplishes more than I can in a full day! She is my home's, lifesaver! :)
Anyway, don't forget to follow and don't forget the specials this week. I think they end on Friday!
Have a great day!
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