Business has been exciting! Traditions From The Heart has teamed up with We have designed some beautiful stationery using artwork that the children in the orphanage created. It is stunning really! You can purchase it on our website and $10 of every order goes straight to the orphans. They are raising funds to send 2-3 students to the states every year to live with a family and attend school. They will then head back to their homeland in order to share all that they have learned and others will then come to the states. They want to give these children a hope for a future! That is the absolute goal! It is an amazing ministry and Traditions From The Heart is thrilled with its role and honored to be a part!!!!
Revive Africa Stationery - Design 1
Revive Africa Stationery - Design 2
Revive Africa Stationery - Design 3
I was also asked to participate in my Alma Mater's Homecoming this year! Go Cowboys! What an amazing honor! It is a small university out in west Texas, but it seems to be much larger than it was when I attended there nearly 15 years ago!!! :) Thank you Hardin-Simmons for allowing me this honor. Along with this comes stress and pressure!!! I do not believe I have been back since I graduated!!! This should prove interesting!!! :) I am designing special stationery just for this event! I hope it goes well!! :) Would love any feedback on presentation and such. I am so bad at such things. :)
As I mentioned earlier! I will try to be a better blogger! :)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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