Ok, so this weekend was the first real Face-to-face opportunity Traditions From The Heart has had. Most of our work is so custom that online works much better! When Hardin-Simmons University approached us last summer to participate in their Authors and Artists event at Homecoming, it never occurred to us that anyone of any name would be there. Did not really know what to expect, but did hope for something to come of it. We arrived about 45 minutes early, claimed our spot and dropped off our rather large box, to be dealt with later. Then took the kids off to ride the horses and take part in all the Posse Kids activities! One of our daughters was just having one of those days, so we decided she would go back in with me and join in the selling event, in the bookstore. We walked in and immediately noticed the buzz of activity. There sat 7 other authors with my empty spot smack dab in the middle! BUT WAIT! Who is that man, with the empty white table just to the left of mine?!?!? Could it be? Could it really be...Stedman Graham, (Oprah Winfrey's longtime boyfriend)? As these thoughts are racing through my mind I notice, yet again, my bare table that I have yet to set up. As I frantically get it all put together I am remembering way back in the deep archives of my mind that YES, Stedman Graham did play basketball for Hardin-Simmons University! BUT, in all of my homecoming information, there was nothing about him participating in this event, more than that, what is he doing here? Why is he sitting there at his empty table? This is not making any sense at all! As I take my seat behind my, now beautifully set up table, with my dear daughter (Little Helper for the day) by my side, I see people walk up to that blank table next to me, while turning their backs to me and hand the gentleman next to me the book that they just purchased. YES, he was having a book signing for some books that he has written, right there next to my first face-to-face experience! What an event it turned out to be! Let's just say, that not many people noticed the rest of us sitting or standing behind our tables. But it was fun to people watch! As I sat there, all of these sweet ladies came up to his table, with their new treasured books in hand, ready for his hand scrawled name to blanket the inside cover of the newly beloved book, which just proves they went to school with him. right? Each and every one of them asked him if they remembered them. And many commented on his lack of hair, YES HE DID THE FRO BACK IN THE DAY! It was so funny!
It got me thinking though, first off, who from my years at school would I want to walk up to at such an impersonal event and ask...Do you remember me? But more than that, what makes someone memorable? What is it about that person, that says "don't forget me" and why does it feel so good to be remembered? I then took it a step further...When I stand before Jesus, sitting on His grand throne of glory...The most important person of all time...will I have to ask, "Do you remember me?" Or will I have served faithfully, brought others to Him, shined His light in this dark world, made big enough and bold enough moves to be noticed and remembered? Oh wait!!!!! The only thing I must do to be remembered by Him is to accept Him as my personal Savior, ask Him to come into my heart and ask Him to forgive my sins! IT IS THAT MOMENT THAT I BECOME MEMORABLE!!! NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN BY HIM! Isn't that a profound thought? Pretty amazing when you think about it. How many people in your life have you met one time and years later, they still remember you?!?!?!? The most incredible part about all of this is, each and every one of us also has the opportunity, to have a relationship with Jesus. Talk about amazing. How many people went to college with Stedman Graham are not only remembered, but remembered fondly and have even had the opportunity to have a relationship with him? Just something to think about at the end of the day.
What really does matter in life? Who do you REALLY want to be remembered by?
Happy Hump Day!