Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We still have another week of school but swimming after school is a true reality! Staying up later because the sun has not even begun to set and not wanting to wake at the crack of dawn. But boy are the days full! And we have yet to begin summer break! I know the heat will be here before we know it, and the electric bill will rise (but not as much as last year! I have locked in my great rate! LOL) But who can beat the fun of summer?!?!? Getting wet, drying off and getting wet all over again! Too much fun! VBS, Back Yard Bible Clubs, popsicle's, visits to grand parents, I can hardly wait!

My favorite summer memory was, when I was about 8 and we lived up on a rather secluded ridge in East Tennessee. My mom would pack us a backpack full of lunch, walkie-talkie's and stuff needed for a day of adventures! There were wild blackberries accross the road and the neighbors grew snow peas in their garden just for our outside snacking! We would leave early morning and not come home until dinner time when mom rang the bell for us! I do not think I could ever let that happen today! But it sure was fun just exploring the little section called our world! Share your favorite summer memory, I cannot wait to hear!